Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Drunk Friend Stories - Part 3 ft. LB

The Nastiest Looking Puke Award

I finally get to see LB drunk and i have his drunk ass on video. I can see why LB doesn't like drinking.. cos he's puke is nasty! I only wish i had taken a pic of it. Its creamy looking, and it looks like a HUGE bird shit. It actually looks like raw oysters, covered in cabonara sauce with spinach. He actually looked like he was foaming from the mouth and the puke was this thick blob cos it fell to the ground with a 'plat'.

LB was pissed cos i was singing "LB are u ok, are u ok, are u ok LB." --> its meant to be sung in the tune of Smooth Criminal (Annie are u ok, are u ok , are u ok annie... ) geddit?

Anyway, LB was pretty gone cos he cant remember much shit that happened before. I've clubed with LB so many times and that friday nite was the first time i actually heard him say, "eh go buy a drink lei! I share with u." LB is NEVER enthusiastic about drinking, so obviously there was some looming factor present.

Hands up if u guessed it was a gal! LB is into her, although his drunk ass gives him selective memory of the nite, he was raving on about how cute she was, and at one point i felt almost threatened to agree wif him. "u she not cute??! She is how cute! She's like *raises his hand to show a 9 wif his fingers* cute!!"

LB was like. "okay u wait, next time u drunk u die!"
I'm like "Bring it on bitch" *snap snap fingers*

Ohh purrrleeaseee......I write blogs when im drunk! I remember details even the 'sober' guys forget when im drunk. Eh.. i shld be a party writer.. any hirers from MediaCorp?